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Considering Dental Implants to Transform Your Smile?

Considering Dental Implants to Transform Your Smile?

As early as 2000 BC, early versions of dental implants were used in the civilization of ancient China. Carved bamboo pegs were originally used to replace the missing teeth at this time.

Dental implants have come a long way since then and revolutionised the dental industry, replacing the need for ill-fitting and uncomfortable dentures. The implants themselves are tiny titanium posts, which are inserted into the jawbone where teeth are missing. These metal anchors act as tooth root substitutes. They are surgically placed into the jawbone. The bone bonds with the titanium, creating a strong foundation for artificial teeth. Small posts are then attached to the implant, which protrude through the gums. These posts provide stable anchors for artificial replacement teeth. Implants also help preserve facial structure, preventing the bone deterioration that occurs when teeth are missing.

One of the appeals of dental implants is that the success rate of the procedure is very high and you can be quite confident of success. That doesn’t mean that they can’t fail though, or that problems can’t arise later on. In nearly all cases however, where this does occur, it is because the patient hasn’t followed the correct aftercare advice and the health of the implant has been compromised. With that in mind, here is some to get the best from the procedure, and long lasting success from an implant investment.

Go local

The first thing that we would recommend is that you avoid travelling overseas for cheaper dental implants. There are many reasons for this ranging from lack of professional experience of the person doing the work to sanitary conditions. In summary, there are a lot of potential risks involved in this approach and we advise you to use a dentist with experience in placing implants, such as our team here at Tower Dental.

Improve fitness

Although dental implants can be placed for most people, and in fact are often placed for older patients, it is a good idea to get a little fitter before your procedure. This will help the blood flow throughout the body, including around you new implant and help to keep it healthier by reducing the risk of infections. You don’t need to join a gym but try to walk or cycle a little more. Every little bit helps.

Cigarettes and alcohol

Both before and after your dental implant placement, you will be asked to refrain from smoking and excessive drinking. This is not an ‘ideal’ but a necessity. Both smoking and excessive drinking greatly heighten the risk of dental implant failure and not just through the risk of periodontal disease. If you really can’t kick these habits at least for a six month period or so (and preferably forever), then you may wish to look at other tooth replacement options instead, such as dentures or a bridge.

Prepare your new diet

Once your dental implants have completed the osseointegration period, where the bone and implant bond together, you will be free to eat whatever you want without worrying if your new implant can handle it. Initially though, you will need to eat a quite selective diet.

In the period directly after your implant placement you will only be able to eat very soft foods, and we would suggest initially, even just sticking to liquid foods. Putting any pressure on a new implant could cause damage to the bone and potentially cause the implant to fail. This dietary restriction doesn’t last long though and very soon you will be able to add foods such as mashed potatoes and well cooked pasta to your diet, gradually building up over a few months towards a normal, complete diet.

Brush up on your oral healthcare

Like natural teeth, dental implants require regular and thorough care. The good news for any of our patients considering this procedure is that it doesn’t require anything that you shouldn’t currently do with your natural teeth. Having said that, before you have your implant placement; it is a good idea to look at how you are cleaning your teeth at the moment. Bear in mind that if you have gum disease, this may delay your implant placement whilst it is treated.

Are you brushing correctly and with a suitable toothbrush? You should be using a brush that is no more than three months old (or before if the bristles are worn) for at least two minutes both morning and last thing at night.

Are you rinsing with water after brushing? If you are, you should stop doing so. Allowing the toothpaste to remain on the teeth and gums afterwards helps to ward off decay and gum disease.

Are you using dental floss? If not, you need to get into the habit of doing this. Removing food and bacteria from between the teeth is essential for a healthy dental implant. Both periodontitis and peri-implantitis are serious threats to a dental implant.

Are you seeing a dental hygienist? If you aren’t, now is the time to start doing so. It is a great way to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible, both through their advice on better home care and also the scale and polish (professional cleaning) that they provide. If you aren’t already, please book your appointment with us today.

Dental implants are ‘the’ modern way to replace a missing tooth, or teeth. We do understand that patients may wish to know more about them, including the procedure and their aftercare, so we are always happy to discuss this with you. For dental implants in Balwyn, Kew, Camberwell, Hawthorn, Surrey Hills, Mont Albert & Deepdene, please call Tower Dental today!