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How To Choose Toothpaste For Children: With or Without fluoride?

How To Choose Toothpaste For Children: With or Without fluoride?

There are a few different things to consider when buying toothpaste for babies and kids. One of the most important questions you might have is whether you should use a fluoride-free children's toothpaste.

Fluoride helps strengthen children's teeth but shouldn't be swallowed.

Fluoride is a naturally occurring element that is present in water, soil, and the air. It has many benefits for your teeth, such as:

  • Preventing dental cavities
  • Strengthening tooth enamel
  • Reversing early stages of tooth decay
  • Limiting plaque bacteria in the mouth
  • Slowing mineral loss in tooth enamel

The Australian Dental Association recommends using fluoride kids and baby toothpastes. It's a good idea to check how much fluoride is in the kids' toothpaste you choose; the recommended amounts balance effectiveness with safety. If you need a children’s dentist in Kew please call us on 03) 9817 7144.

That said, children still shouldn't swallow fluoride toothpaste. While occasionally swallowing a small amount while brushing teeth is unlikely to cause any harm, regularly consuming high volumes of fluoride can lead to a condition called fluorosis, where the teeth develop white spots or become discoloured.

Supervise brushing until your child is old enough to be able to brush all their teeth correctly and spit out all the toothpaste – usually around age 6 or 7.

If children ingest a larger amount of fluoride toothpaste, for example if they deliberately eat it from the tube, they might experience an upset stomach. Make an appointment to see your children’s dentist in Surrey Hills as soon as possible or call 000 if you have any concerns.

What about baby toothpaste with fluoride?

It's natural to be concerned about your young baby swallowing baby toothpaste, whether it contains fluoride or not. Most children develop their spit reflex around the age of three years old, so your baby won't be able to brush their teeth like you quite yet.

Minimise the risk by only using a smear of toothpaste, about the size of a grain of rice, when you first start brushing your baby's teeth. Parents who are really concerned about controlling how much fluoride their child swallows can opt for fluoride-free toothpaste.

Is the best toothpaste for kids different to adult toothpaste?

Babies and children need special toothpastes.

One of the key differences between toothpaste for kids and adults is the fluoride content. Aside from that, adult toothpaste might also be more abrasive and have stronger flavours.

Lots of adults use whitening toothpastes, however using whitening toothpaste for kids isn't a good idea. These types of toothpaste are rougher on the teeth and could damage children's teeth because their enamel is thinner.

If your child has stained teeth, assess their diet for strongly coloured foods and speak with your children’s dentist in Hawthorn if you're concerned. Any whitening treatments should only be carried out once your child has a full mouth of adult teeth.

Every parent wants the best for their child's teeth, and choosing the best child or baby toothpaste for your little one is important. Although it's perfectly understandable that you'll want to investigate fluoride-free toothpaste for your kids, scientists and our children’s dentist in Camberwell agree that fluoride is beneficial to teeth and shouldn't cause any harm if used correctly.

Make sure that you help your children use their toothpaste properly until they're old enough to look after their teeth themselves. By choosing flavours that they like, you will keep them wanting to brush; and by picking the right fluoride levels you'll make sure they protect themselves from cavities whilst waiting for their adult teeth to come through.

It's also important to take your child for regular dental checkups as soon as their first tooth appears. This lets your children’s dentist in Balwyn monitor their oral health and identify any problems early on. Treatments like fluoride varnish and fissure sealant can help further protect children's teeth from decay.

Our clinic is conveniently located close to Kew, Mont Albert, Surrey Hills, Hawthorn, Deepdene and Camberwell. Please feel free to contact our caring dentists on 03) 9817 7144 for any of your dental needs.