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Have you noticed your teeth aren’t as white as they used to be and maybe not as white as you’d like? There are many things that can make your teeth lose their luminosity. But there are just as many ways to reverse teeth stains and prevent them from happening in the first place. Here are 5 tips to keep your smile healthy and bright.

  1. Stay Away From Tobacco

Chewing or smoking tobacco is one of the worst things you can do for your oral health. Numerous studies have shown that smoking causes oral cancer, increases your risk of developing gum disease, and prevents your gums and teeth from healing naturally. From a cosmetic standpoint, just a few months of smoking cigarettes can turn your teeth from white to yellow, and years of heavy smoking can turn your teeth from yellow to brown. If you’re a smoker and are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, consult your dentist in Balwyn on how to quit smoking today. 

  1. Avoid Foods Known To Cause Teeth Stains

Unfortunately, many of the foods we enjoy daily can stain our teeth over time. To keep your teeth white, you should avoid coffee, green tea, dark berries, soy sauce, sugary drinks (especially dark colas), cranberry juice, tomato sauce, and red wine as much as you can. All of these foods and drinks have certain properties that can break down your tooth enamel and leave behind stains.

However, we know a little secret that lets you enjoy a glass of wine from time to time while protecting your teeth. If you’re having wine, pair it with cheese! Cheese helps neutralize the acidity in the wine, forming a natural barrier that protects your teeth from chromogens. 

  1. Eat Foods That Protect Your Teeth

While you’re avoiding staining foods and beverages, replace them with options that protect your teeth. Crunchy, water-heavy foods like celery, apples, and carrots increase saliva production as you chew, and your saliva helps neutralize any acids that might break down your tooth enamel and leave your teeth more susceptible to stains. 

Dentist Kew

You might think that strawberries would stain your teeth because of their bright red color, but these berries contain malic acid, a natural astringent that works to remove stains from the surface of your teeth. Yogurt and other dairy products do double-duty — the calcium strengthens your teeth and neutralizes the pH balance in your mouth to decrease stain-causing acidity. 

Dentist Hawthorn

  1. Sip Beverages Through A Straw

If you can’t live without a tall glass of iced coffee on a summer afternoon but want to do your best to prevent stains, make sure you drink it through a straw. Drinking through a straw directs the beverage past your teeth so the liquid will avoid most contact with your teeth — particularly the teeth that show when you smile. For best results, put the straw at least halfway into your mouth to prevent your drink from hitting the outsides of your teeth.

Dentist Camberwell

  1. Get Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned

Plaque buildup, a white, hard material that forms on your teeth, forms a sticky film that stains love to stick to. Brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste for two minutes, flossing, and rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash all help reduce plaque and keep your teeth white. You should make an appointment with your dentist at least twice a year to get a professional cleaning and polish. You can also ask your dentist about teeth whitening if you want your teeth to really shine before a special event like a wedding or high school reunion. 

Dentist Deepdene


Very simply, the discoloration of your teeth due to a variety of factors. Dental stains can be broken down into two categories:

  • Extrinsic staining – Pigmented deposits found on the tooth surface that are caused by topical or external agents.
  • Intrinsic staining – Stains incorporated within the tooth structure.

Causes of Stains on Teeth: Extrinsic staining

  • Plaque
  • Calculus
  • Foods and beverages
  • Tobacco
  • Certain types of bacteria and topical medications
  • Enamel defects
  • Salivary dysfunction
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Small grooves, pits or fissures in the tooth surface.


Causes of Stains on Teeth: Intrinsic staining:

  • Dental restorations (i.e. corroded amalgam fillings)
  • Dental decay
  • Trauma to a tooth
  • Necrotic or infected nerve
  • Infections
  • Medications (i.e. Tetracycline)
  • Genetic defects
  • Hereditary diseases such as hypocalcification or fluorosis that affect dentin and enamel development

Dentist Mont Albert

At-home: Extrinsic Staining only:

  • Watch what you eat! Keep track of how much stain occurs how frequently with different foods/beverages and reduce consumption accordingly. Anything that can stain a white shirt can stain your teeth!
  • Rinse with water after consuming dark, sugary and acidic foods
  • Don’t smoke!
  • Consider shorter recalls – getting a professional cleaning more often can reduce your overall amount of stain.
  • Brushing at least 2 times a day- especially after consumption of staining agent. Consider an electric toothbrush!
  • Over the counter whitening products (whitening strips, toothpaste, rinses etc.) If you choose to use a whitening toothpaste, we recommend using a sensitive whitening toothpaste brand such as Sensodyne Whitening to prevent gum sensitivity and recession.

Dentist Surrey Hills


In-office: Extrinsic Staining:

  • Professional teeth cleaning – Keeping up with your regular recall appointments will help keep stains to a minimum.
    Professional whitening – We offer in-office, at-home and over the counter options to meet your needs. Read more here!
    Intrinsic Staining:
  • This type of stain requires permanent restoration – i.e., replacing an old amalgam filling or placing a new veneer/crown/etc.
    In some cases of hypo calcification and fluorosis, microabrasion can be performed. When in conjunction with in-office whitening, desired results MAY be achieved. This depends on the depth of the stain.

Our clinic is conveniently located close to Kew, Mont Albert, Surrey Hills, Hawthorn, Deepdene and Camberwell. Please feel free to contact our caring dentists on 03) 9817 7144 for any of your dental needs.