Many Australians have a passion for sport, whether it's playing footy, netball, soccer, basketball or hockey. There is a thrill that appeals to sport lovers, but the spills can be devastating.
According to the Australian Dental Association (ADA), about one-third of traumatic injuries to teeth are sports related. Sports Medicine Association Australia suggests that 50% of children experience some form of dental injury.
Regardless of your age it is important for athletes to consider a custom-fitted mouthguard. Mouthguards minimise the risk and ensure maximum protection against injuries to teeth, mouth or jaw.
Over-the-Counter Mouth Guards vs. Custom-Made Mouthguard for Sport
There are two different ways you can get a mouth guard that works for you. You could buy an over-the-counter mouth guard that isn’t custom-built for you but is a generic size-fits-all kind.
Some of them can be used right out of the packet, which is fine if you have a standard-sized mouth (but who really does).
There are others that are boil-and-bite, in which you boil the mouth guard and then bite down on it to customize it to your mouth. With the over-the-counter mouth guards in Deepdene, you are not assured of a complete fit in your mouth.
It could result in issues if you have to wear them for long periods of time, where your mouth guard starts bumping against your lips, tongue, or palate, causing discomfort.
The other option is to go to visit us at Tower Dental and get a custom mouth guard built for your mouth.
Perfect Fit Mouth Guards
If you are buying a mouth guard for a child whose mouth is still growing and constantly changing, then a custom mouth guard in Camberwell is the way to go.
This way, the mouth guard can be adjusted every few weeks to accommodate your growing child’s mouth.
There are four ways to tell if your mouth guard is a perfect fit for you or not:
1. It shouldn’t make you gag, and if it does, then it isn’t a perfect fit
2. Your mouth guard should fit in your mouth without you clenching your teeth or mouth against it
3. It should fit over part of your gums so that it is protecting that area as well
4. Your mouth guard shouldn’t interfere with your speech or breathing
If the four points above don’t apply to your mouth guard, then you are good to go.
At Tower Dental our mouthguards in Balwyn are custom-fitted to ensure maximum protection and can be made in a selection of colours and include personal identification. A custom-fitted mouthguard acts as a buffer for impact to your teeth and jaws, ensures you can breathe well and are retained well in your mouth.
Custom-fitted mouthguards provide a better fit than other varieties as they are made to suit your individual needs, and makes wearing them more comfortable. A custom-fitted mouthguard should not only be worn when playing contact sports, or any sports that involve a high risk of impact to the face, but also during training sessions.
All custom-fitted mouthguards are made using high quality material and equipment. For an appointment please feel free to contact us.
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