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Dental Emergencies: How to Recognize, Respond, and Prevent

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on dental emergencies! We understand that dental emergencies can be stressful and painful, which is why being informed and prepared is crucial. In this blog, we’ll delve into common dental emergencies, detailed steps on what to do when they occur, and practical tips to help prevent them in the future.

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Dental Emergencies: How to Recognize, Respond, and Prevent

Everything You Need to Know About Veneers: Do They Damage Your Teeth?

Veneers are often praised for their ability to provide a flawless appearance, but many people wonder if they can damage your teeth. Let’s explore what veneers are, how they work, and whether they pose any risks to your dental health.

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Everything You Need to Know About Veneers: Do They Damage Your Teeth?

The Fascinating History of Dental Care: From Ancient Remedies to Modern Techniques

Today, we’re diving into the fascinating and sometimes quirky history of dental care. From ancient civilizations to modern advancements, the journey of how we care for our teeth is full of interesting stories and surprising facts. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this trip through time as we explore the evolution of dental care.

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The Fascinating History of Dental Care: From Ancient Remedies to Modern Techniques

5 Things That Could Be Causing Your Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be a source of embarrassment and discomfort, affecting social interactions and self-confidence. At Tower Dental, we understand the impact of persistent bad breath on our patients' lives. In this blog, we'll explore five common culprits behind bad breath, shedding light on potential causes and offering practical solutions to help you achieve fresh, confident breath.

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5 Things That Could Be Causing Your Bad Breath

Understanding Sudden Tooth Pain: Unveiling the Causes with Tower Dental

Sudden tooth pain can catch anyone off guard, disrupting daily routines and causing discomfort. At Tower Dental, we understand the urgency and concern that comes with unexpected dental issues. In this blog, we'll delve into the possible causes of sudden tooth pain, offering insights to help you identify and address the underlying problem effectively.

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Understanding Sudden Tooth Pain: Unveiling the Causes with Tower Dental

Debunking Mouthwash Myths: Navigating the Need and Benefits – Your Local Tower Dental Dentist Explains

As your trusted Balwyn dentist, we often encounter patients who are unsure about the role of mouthwash in their oral hygiene routine. With a plethora of information available, it's easy to get lost in the myths and misconceptions surrounding mouthwash. In this blog, we aim to debunk these myths and shed light on the true need and benefits of incorporating mouthwash into your dental care regimen.

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Debunking Mouthwash Myths: Navigating the Need and Benefits – Your Local Tower Dental Dentist Explains

Beyond Toothpaste: Unconventional Ways to Boost Your Oral Health

When it comes to maintaining optimal oral health, the journey extends beyond the confines of your toothpaste tube. While traditional oral care is essential, there exist unconventional practices that can significantly contribute to a healthier and more vibrant smile. In this blog post, let's explore some of these unique approaches that go beyond the ordinary toothpaste routine.

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Beyond Toothpaste: Unconventional Ways to Boost Your Oral Health

Eating for Healthy Teeth: A Nutritional Guide to Optimal Oral Health

Your oral health is intricately linked to your dietary choices. While regular brushing and flossing are essential, the food you consume plays a significant role in maintaining strong teeth and healthy gums. In this blog post, we'll explore a nutritional guide to promote optimal oral health, helping you make informed choices for a brighter smile.

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Eating for Healthy Teeth: A Nutritional Guide to Optimal Oral Health

Taking a Stand Against Domestic Violence: Observing White Ribbon Month

At Tower Dental, we believe in more than just healthy smiles; we stand for healthy communities. As White Ribbon Month approaches, it's crucial to shed light on an issue that affects countless lives worldwide: domestic violence. This observance is not just about acknowledging the problem; it's about taking a firm stand against it.

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Taking a Stand Against Domestic Violence: Observing White Ribbon Month

Choosing the Right Dentist for Your Family

Oral health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and finding the right dentist for your family is a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. If you reside in the suburbs of Balwyn, Hawthorn, or Kew, this blog will guide you through the process of selecting a dentist who can cater to your family's dental needs effectively.

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Choosing the Right Dentist for Your Family

October: A Time to Spotlight Breast Cancer Awareness

October is not just about Spring and sunny days; it's also the month when the world unites to raise awareness about breast cancer. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual campaign held every October to increase awareness of the disease, promote early detection, and provide support to those affected.

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October: A Time to Spotlight Breast Cancer Awareness

Unlocking the Secrets of a Bright and Healthy Smile: The Power of Teeth Whitening

When it comes to making a lasting impression, your smile plays a starring role. A radiant, white smile not only boosts your confidence but also leaves a positive mark on those you interact with.

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Unlocking the Secrets of a Bright and Healthy Smile: The Power of Teeth Whitening

The Future of Dental Technology: Exploring Exciting Innovations in Oral Health

In the ever-evolving world of technology, innovations have made their way into every industry, including dentistry. The future of oral health looks exceptionally promising with groundbreaking advancements set to revolutionize the way dentists in Balwyn deliver care. From 3D printing to artificial intelligence, this blog post will explore the cutting-edge dental technologies that are reshaping the industry. Join us as we delve into the exciting world of dental technology and discover how these innovations are transforming the way dentists in Balwyn provide optimal oral care.

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The Future of Dental Technology: Exploring Exciting Innovations in Oral Health


Many Australians have a passion for sport, whether it's playing footy, netball, soccer, basketball or hockey. There is a thrill that appeals to sport lovers, but the spills can be devastating.

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Dental Bridges vs Implants: Which Is the Best Option for You?

Missing teeth can disrupt your everyday life, affecting your confidence, your appearance and your health. Whether you’ve lost teeth because of tooth decay, gum disease or injury, it’s a good idea to replace your missing teeth as soon as possible.

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Dental Bridges vs Implants: Which Is the Best Option for You?

Ways To Take Care Of Your Smile That Won't Break The Bank

When it comes to enhancing the appearance of your teeth, often the biggest worry for patients is the overall treatment cost to get the results they want. However, there are also cost-effective ways to improve your smile when on more of a budget.

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Ways To Take Care Of Your Smile That Won't Break The Bank

Considering White Fillings? Here's What You Need To Know

White Fillings are an aesthetic way to protect your teeth from further damage and decay, whilst giving back your confident smile.

Cracks, decay or other damage to your teeth can take away your confidence, as well as making it painful to consume certain food and drinks. Treating these issues is the best way to feel comfortable and confident again. However, coloured fillings can leave you feeling less than impressed.

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Considering White Fillings? Here's What You Need To Know

Are you unhappy with your teeth? Here are the solutions….

As we get older, and perhaps even more so if we haven’t always taken good care of our teeth in our earlier lives, some of us will be aware that our teeth are not functioning quite as well as we would like.

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Are you unhappy with your teeth? Here are the solutions….

How to avoid chipping your teeth and what to do if it happens

Some dental problems become clear to us very quickly and obviously. A bad toothache caused by tooth decay, or a tooth breaking off means that we know we need to see a dentist as soon as we possibly can.

Not all oral health issues may cause this reaction though. Some problems produce initial signs and symptoms that it can be tempting to ignore, at least ‘for now’. One of these problems is when we chip a small piece from a tooth.

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How to avoid chipping your teeth and what to do if it happens

New Year’s Resolutions – make one a visit to your dentist!

It’s a new day, it’s a new dawn, and it’s a new year. Start off on the right foot by keeping a few of those New Year’s resolutions and maybe adding another one to the list – visit your Tower Dental dentist in Balwyn for a check-up.

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New Year’s Resolutions – make one a visit to your dentist!

Tips To Look After Your Dental Health This Christmas

During these uncertain times it is best to focus on what we can control, and an important focus is keeping well and healthy.

As the festive season is upon us, many will be seeking comfort in eating and drinking, but we must be mindful to keep up healthy habits to look after our overall health as well as our dental health!

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 Tips To Look After Your Dental Health This Christmas

Symptoms that can indicate the presence of periodontal disease

Most people associate dental problems with teeth issues such as decay or perhaps a broken tooth. Equally common though is poor gum health. This can be responsible for not only discomfort but also potentially tooth loss if the problem is ignored, as it sometimes is.

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Symptoms that can indicate the presence of periodontal disease

Avoiding Cavities This Halloween

October is here, which means Halloween will be here before we know it! It’s one of the scariest and most candy-filled holidays of the year. For kids and adults alike, dressing up and indulging in delicious goodies is one of the highlights of the year. Unfortunately, this age-old tradition can leave a lasting mark on your oral health if you’re not careful.

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Halloween treats

Are Dental Implants Necessary After Extraction?

A dental extraction is typically performed to remove a tooth that is so severely damaged that there is no way to repair or restore that tooth. This typically leads to a gap in your teeth. Now, you may be wondering if this gap needs a dental implant or if it’s okay to simply keep it empty. Though in some cases it’s okay to have a gap for at least a short period of time, in the end you should almost always have a dental implant placed after having a tooth extracted.

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Dental Implants

Should You Go Overseas For Dental Implants?

With international travel now back to normal, some might be tempted by cheaper teeth implant or dental treatment offers overseas.

One of the main reasons that people might choose this option is cost. Most of you will have seen advertisements offering teeth implants at a much cheaper rate than in Australia. There are a number of possible reasons for this and some of them come with risks attached.

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Should You Go Overseas For Dental Implants?

5 Reasons Why Alcohol Is Bad For Your Teeth

While moderate alcohol consumption can be part of a healthy lifestyle, alcohol isn’t generally considered healthy. Part of its mixed reputation comes from both the short- and long-term effects it has on your body and your health, from your brain, to your blood sugar, to your liver.

But what are the effects of alcohol on your gums, mouth tissues, and teeth?

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5 Reasons Why Alcohol Is Bad For Your Teeth

How To Tackle Bad Breath For Good

Bad breath happens to all of us. It even has a scientific name: halitosis. Bad breath occurs when bacteria breed on the tongue, teeth and in the oral cavity. When bacteria in our mouth break down the proteins in our food it creates a sort of sulfuric type of odor.

But for some people, bad breath is more than just a periodic nuisance that strikes first thing in the morning or after a garlicky meal. It may be a constant source of embarrassment or distress. In rare cases, it may even signal a brewing health condition.

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How To Tackle Bad Breath For Good

Do I Really Need To Use Mouthwash If I'm Brushing And Flossing Twice A Day?

It’s undeniable, mouthwash leaves your mouth feeling clean and breath nice and fresh. But it has genuine benefits other than those. A good quality mouthwash can provide an extra layer of defence against problems like gum disease. As it is a liquid, it can reach parts that brushing and flossing may  miss. Some mouthwashes will also contain fluoride which helps to strengthen the protective enamel layer of the teeth. This is a perfectly acceptable use for it as long as you are cleaning your teeth well otherwise, and not just using it to cover up smelly breath that may be caused by gum disease.

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Do I Really Need To Use Mouthwash If I'm Brushing And Flossing Twice A Day?

Happy Easter!

It’s Easter again!! All of the shops have been promoting their Easter eggs since Christmas. Doesn’t it seem to get earlier each year? We’d like to help you protect your teeth during this time. The last thing anybody wants is to have a filling after a fun time of year.

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Happy Easter!


Whether your baby has no teeth or is already teething, dental care should be at the forefront of your mind as this is essential for giving your child the best chance at avoiding dental issues in later life. This is your opportunity to encourage healthy tooth development and positive dental habits. While it may not seem like a pressing priority right now, it truly is never too soon to start.

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Periodontal (or gum) disease is caused when the bacteria in plaque builds up between your gums and teeth causing the tooth and surrounding gum to become inflamed. If untreated, this can cause the supporting bone structure to deteriorate, resulting in gum recession or even tooth loss!

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How to Take Care of Your Oral Health When You’re Sick

When you’re sick, a lot of the things on your to-do list go by the wayside. It’s important to remember that your oral health and overall health are connected. Taking care of one, can definitely help the other! Here are a few tips to take care of your oral and overall health when you’re under the weather. 

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How to Take Care of Your Oral Health When You’re Sick

Transform Your Smile With Veneers

Even if you weren’t born with perfect teeth, dental veneers can transform your smile into the symmetrical, white, dazzling teeth you’ve always desired. Veneers are one of the most versatile ways to correct a variety of dental issues. The exceptional team of cosmetic dentists at Tower Dental in Balwyn offer their expertise in dental veneers to men and women who want to upgrade their smiles, easily and affordably. 

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Transform Your Smile With Veneers

Have Your Teeth Had A Deep Clean Lately?

Dental hygiene can fight bad breath and prevent gum disease. So it’s important to regularly brush and floss, and see a dentist twice a year for routine dental cleanings.

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Have Your Teeth Had A Deep Clean Lately?

Are Dental Implants Worth The Money?

If you want to know more about dental implants and the best ways to care for them, you’ve come to the right place!

There are a variety of reasons why you might be interested in dental implants. If you find that you’re missing teeth due to gum disease, cavities, or even an accident, you have options when it comes to replacing your teeth. Chances are you’ve heard about dentures, and may even think they are your only option. However, there is something better available for you—dental implants. But how do you know if implants are right for your situation, and how long are they going to last? You may also be curious about how you care for them, so in this article, we’re going to cover:

  • What dental implants are
  • How long dental implants last
  • How to take care of dental implants
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Are Dental Implants Worth The Money?


Have you noticed your teeth aren’t as white as they used to be and maybe not as white as you’d like? There are many things that can make your teeth lose their luminosity. But there are just as many ways to reverse teeth stains and prevent them from happening in the first place. Here are 5 tips to keep your smile healthy and bright.

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Signs You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Taken Out

Wisdom teeth are our third set of molars that usually come in during your late teens to early twenties. Over time our jaws have shrunk, leaving little room for the extra row of teeth, which is why they can cause pain and need to be extracted. Besides pain, what are some of the common signs you need your wisdom teeth taken out?

Signs You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Taken Out:

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Signs You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Taken Out

Amalgam Versus Composite Fillings

If you have cavities, you need to choose between silver amalgam and composite fillings. In both cases, your dentist in Balwyn will remove the tooth decay and place the filling. However, the two choices have quite a few differences. Learn more about your filling choices, so you can make a decision.

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Amalgam Versus Composite Fillings

Is Your Mouthwash Burning Your Mouth? Here’s Why

Many of us reach for mouthwash to beat bad breath or to put an extra shine on freshly-brushed teeth. But do you ever experience a burning sensation when using mouthwash?

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Is Your Mouthwash Burning Your Mouth? Here’s Why

The 6 Dangers of Untreated Gum Disease

Gum disease is a condition that affects millions of people. According to the Australian Dental Association, almost half of Australian adults above 30 years of age are affected by gum disease. Its symptoms can go unnoticed until you visit a dentist for an oral exam.

Our oral health is only a part of a bigger system, and any problem associated with it can affect our whole body. Neglecting it can lead to gum disease and progress into life-threatening health conditions. With a pandemic at hand, that’s the last thing you want to happen.

Here are the health conditions that will help you understand how maintaining your oral health can prevent you from having serious health conditions.

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The 6 Dangers of Untreated Gum Disease

Top 20 Things to Know Before An Invisalign Treatment

What is an Invisalign?

An Invisalign is an alternative aligner to metal braces, but are clear and made of medical grade thermoplastic.  This is a removable aligner that is easier and more convenient to use.

Invisalign can be removed before eating, drinking, brushing and flossing your teeth, or whenever necessary.  And because they are clear, wearing them is unnoticeable.

With Invisalign, you get the benefit of straightening your teeth and not being conscious about smiling with metal braces on your teeth.

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Top 20 Things to Know Before An Invisalign Treatment

What Your Tongue Can Tell You About Your Health

The tongue is an important indicator of our health and can provide clues about what is going on within our body. For instance, it is linked to many of our vital organs and the different colors, textures, coatings, and shapes of the tongue can give information regarding our health. Learn how to read your body’s messages by learning more about what shows up on your tongue.


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What Your Tongue Can Tell You About Your Health

6 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Dental Health

Taking steps to improve dental health is a critical part of your overall wellbeing.

The new year is the perfect time to design resolutions for establishing healthy habits. Whether it’s improving toothbrushing habits or completing dental treatment, wellness resolutions are always in season and the benefits of setting goals can be rewarding and motivating. Remember to make resolutions attainable by taking baby steps to achieve them.

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6 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Dental Health

12 Ways to Look After your Teeth this Christmas

Christmas is only days away which means the festive season is in full swing. During this enjoyable time of year, you’re likely to attend parties and later than usual nights out, plus indulge in party foods and drinks. Below we have included things to mindful of this festive season so you can still have an enjoyable time and look after your oral health.

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12 Ways to Look After your Teeth this Christmas

Suffering from Periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease refers to disease of the supporting tissues, i.e. the gums and bone, surrounding each tooth. A Periodontist is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

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Suffering from Periodontal disease?
( Posted in: Periodontal Disease )

Have you got questions about dental fissure sealant?

The term may be unfamiliar but the good news is it's a simple preventative procedure that's performed to help protect teeth from decay. 

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Have you got questions about dental fissure sealant?
( Posted in: Fissure Sealants )

6 Ways Teeth Whitening Can Change Your Life

Here at Tower Dental in Balwyn, we offer various teeth whitening options. We offer a take-home whitening kit, which uses a custom tray fitted to your mouth filled with a whitening gel…all within the comfort of your own home! We also offer Zoom in-office teeth whitening. With in-office whitening, we begin by applying the whitening material on the front surfaces of the teeth, then we send you home with a touch-up kit. Both techniques are quick, easy, affordable, and give you great results.

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6 Ways Teeth Whitening Can Change Your Life
( Posted in: Teeth Whitening )

Top 8 Benefits of Invisalign

Do you want to have a beautiful smile? Misaligned and crooked teeth not only affect how you look but also how well you can clean your teeth. Your smile and teeth are a crucial part of your overall look.

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Top 8 Benefits of Invisalign
( Posted in: Invisalign Treatment )

7 Reasons You May Need A Crown

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cover that is placed over a broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged tooth to restore it to its original shape and appearance. It is one of the most common dental procedures and has evolved (thanks to modern technology) into a practically painless procedure that serves to protect the tooth for many years.

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7 Reasons You May Need A Crown
( Posted in: Dental Crowns )

Let’s Compare Braces

If you need orthodontic treatment and unsure what options are available to you, you'll be pleased to know that there are an array of applications that may suit your individual needs. Read on to find out which braces are best for you.

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Let’s Compare Braces
( Posted in: Orthodontics )