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Top 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your Dentist Appointment

Top 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your Dentist Appointment

Going to the dentist is not everyone’s idea of a great time, and if you have been to a couple of dental checkups and gotten a clean bill of health, you might be tempted to skip one or two of them. However, many people fail to realize the importance of oral health, not only for your mouth, but your overall wellness. Here are some of the reasons why our Tower Dental dentists would recommend that you get your checkups faithfully.

Top 5 Benefits of Maintaining Regular Dental Appointments

  1. Cleaner Teeth
    No matter how hard you try to keep your teeth clean and healthy, plaque and tartar will build up around and in between your teeth. Most people have at least some on their teeth and those with permanent retainers will typically see a lot of buildup. These substances need to be professionally removed from your teeth. Getting your teeth polished is another step of the cleaning process that will leave your teeth sparkling. Fluoride treatments are also available during these appointments to strengthen your teeth.
  2. Discovering Cavities Before it Gets Bad
    That sharp pain you feel in your tooth when you suck in cold air, eat something cold, or sweet, is a cavity that has had a lot of time to form and has now caused a hole in your tooth. When a cavity first begins to form, you may not have any symptoms. Until the cavity has been allowed to eat away at the tooth for a while and begins to cause pain, there may be nothing to signal you that you have a cavity at all. Going to your dentist twice a year can prevent this from happening to you. Your dentist will not only look at your teeth, but feel them as well, to be able to tell if there is a cavity or risk of a cavity forming. Many times, if there is a cavity forming, you can schedule an appointment to have this corrected within a few weeks or sooner and avoid the pain and hassle of waiting too long to see the dentist. If you’re looking for a dentist near Kew, contact Tower Dental today.
  3. Keeps Gum Disease At Bay 
    Plaque and tartar buildup causes tooth decay. However, it also erodes your gum tissues. This occurs when the accumulation of tartar results in an infection where the gum line meets the tooth. It causes the gum to loosen and move away from the tooth. This condition is called gingivitis, and over time, it causes the tissues of the gums to break down. If this problem aggravates, it can also affect the bone that holds the teeth in place, which causes the teeth to loosen from their base or fall out. The best way to avoid these problems and all the expense and trouble that go with treating them is to get regular dental cleanings done. Tower Dental are conveniently located only minutes away from Mont Albert and Surrey Hills.
  4. Oral Cancer Screenings
    Oral cancer is one of the fastest spreading cancers and seeing your dentist twice a year can save your life. A history of oral cancer, or being part of a high-risk group, will prompt your dentist to do an oral cancer screening at your appointments. Catching this cancer early will greatly increase your odds of beating this disease.
  5. Overall Health and Well Being
    There is a strong link between good oral health and a person’s overall well being. The condition of your teeth and gums can impact just about every system in your body, including circulatory, digestive, reproductive and respiratory systems. By seeing your dentist every 6 months, you’re on the right path for better oral health.

Keep in mind that some people may need to go to the dentist more than twice a year. Factors such as pregnancy, diabetes, smoking, having gum disease already or being prone to cavities, will help your dentist decide how often you should come in for checkups. If you haven’t been to the dentist in a long time, you can expect a set of X-rays, a full cleaning, and an examination at your first appointment. After this, regular checkups will include a cleaning and cavity check unless your treatment program is customized by your dentist to include other screenings or procedures as well. We welcome all patients from Camberwell, Deepdene and Hawthorn.

Regardless of which way you look at it, skipping dental checkups is never a good idea. If you would like more information about our dentistry services, schedule a visit with one of our expert dentists. Contact Tower Dental in Balwyn on (03) 9817 7144 to schedule an appointment today.